El Dorado Hills based Headshot photographer Charlene Taylor

Charlene Taylor

El Dorado Hills, CA
Charm Photography
About Charlene

Charlene Taylor was born in San Jose and move to the Sacramento area she now calls home more than three decades ago. Inspired by the beautiful Louisiana swampland’s, she launched her early photography career as Placer High Schools official newspaper photographer. Following graduation, she pursued higher education courses, and continued to follow her passion for photography.

In 1988, Ms. Taylor opened her first studio -Photography Unlimited, located in Auburn, where she operated for 14 years. She then moved the business into a home studio in Roseville and ultimately opened McKay Photography in 2002.

Ms Taylor relocated to El Dorado Hills in 2005 and opened Charm Photography, where she has spent the past 17 years capturing family moments and the county’s beautiful scenery. Ms. Lane has contracted with Parker Development Company, the El Dorado Hills Chamber, EDH Town Center, Serrano Magazine, 3Strands Global to name a few. She also was selected as the stills photographer for the recent full-length feature, “Not Your Year”, filmed in Sacramento and El Dorado Hills in 2015.