Your business need a serious kick in the pants? Keatley's Survival Guide could be your answer.

It's not often that you have an opportunity to hear the in's and out's of how a rockin commercial photographer gets their groove on to get the job done. I'd always been a fan of John Keatley's work and a few years back I was fortunate enough to hang with the man himself in Dubai during Gulf Photo Plus. I must say besides being a great guy he sure as heck knows how to run his show. 

If there is one class that I could take this really would be it. I'm at the stage of the game where I seem to be just futzing around with art buyers here and there and I could use a Keatley sized swift kick in the pants to get the commercial side of my work on the move. As a matter of fact I'm thinkin bout getting my butt out to Seattle to get a 3 day survival download straight into my brain. Could you imagine the jumpstart you'd get circumnavigating all the crap that we have to go through by learning from a guy who's done it and done it well, can't put a price tag on that. Your first commercial gig more than pays for the class. 

You better believe if I can find some time in my schedule I'll be Seattle bound for this one. In this day and age you can't sit back and wait for things to happen, so get proactive and go pick this guys brain for 3 days. I know it'll be worth the effort.  

Check it out:

1 Comment

I went to his class at Fstoppers Workshop 2014 and it was great!! I'm thinking it's fairly similar from the video he released about it. I recommend attending!!

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