Illuminating the FACE launches May 1st, Spreecast 9PM Eastern tonight!

My new Fstoppers tutorial entitled "Illuminating the Face" officially dropped today PEOPLE!  

Join me, Lee & Patrick from Fstoppers on a Spreecast to talk about the making of the tutorial and answer any questions fired at us.  

For anyone that has downloaded it and lit that puppy up already, I'd love to hear what you think.  We'll do a social stream and chat up a storm.  Hope to see you there! 

Spreecast starts at 9pm Eastern Time on May 1st.

To check out the promo or buy the tutorial check out the page here:

To buy that sucker just click here:

Or buy both my tutorials for a ridiculous discount here:

I must say this is one heck of a #SHABANG!


1 Comment

Already watched chapter 1-3 and it´s gorgeous. Love your kind of teaching.

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