What are you waiting for? Get a shot in here!!!



That's right, you could win a space in the upcoming Headshot Intensive ONLINE starting on July 1st.  Here's what you need to do. 

1. Sign up for a free account on PH2PRO if you haven't already.

2. Upload photos into a gallery. 

3. Pick the best headshot you've ever taken in your life from your gallery and tweet that sucker out using the tweet button above the image. 

4. Include in that tweet somewhere: @peter_hurley & #SHABANG!

5. Entries will be accepted until midnight on June 28th.  Winners will be ulitmately chosen by me and announced on June 29th.  

However, I would like your input, so start liking these suckers and leaving comments on the pinterest board here: pinterest

6. Don't send me anything that sucks!  If you do, then immediately hit the link below to sign up for the course so your shots don't suck anymore! 

The Headshot Intensive ONLINE workshop: http://ph2pro.com/workshops/headshot-intensive-online


If you don't see your shot on the pinterest board then email me a link to it directly at customer.service@ph2pro.com.  


Grand Prize:

Admission to The Headshot Intensive Online starting July 1, 2013.  ($850 value!)


Runner up: 

Free download of The Art Behind The Headshot ($300 value!)


Needs my help badly:

Free download of The Art Behind The Headshot ($300 value!)   Didn't want to leave anyone out, so If you really need some help in the headshot dept you may win a copy of my dvd and should seriously consider registering for the workshop.  


Do your best and we'll be featuring the shots in a gallery of mine here on the site, but check submissions on twitter by searching #SHABANG!  


I only have limited spaces for 100 people available for the workshop, so don't wait to sign up if you want to experience this bad boy!!!  Don't sweat it, if you win I'll reimburse you.  

I can't have Joe sidetracked by making a gallery specifically for this, so I plopped it on my pinterest board. 

Check all the submissions out here: http://pinterest.com/peterhurley/headshot-intensive-online-contest/

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