THESE Jobs are What It's All About!!!

Guys, I can't stress enough how important it is to keep your profile and galleries fully up to date! Make sure that you fill out all of the information, as it legitimizes you when a potential client is looking to book you. Make sure your bio, logo, and profile picture are cohesive elements that are a good representation of your brand too! If you want to appeal to those corporate clients, don't have a whacky picture of yourself or in your gallery. Make sure your logo looks clean. And lastly, ANSWER EVERY SINGLE EMAIL!!!!
I recently got an e-mail through here that read, "Looking for headshots, Rob" followed by an e-mail and phone number. Usually, I sent out a standard e-mail about my sessions, rates, etc. (which IS a great thing to have) but something told me this person would much rather talk than read an un-personalized e-mail. So, I gave him a call and realized that this inquiry was a very serious inquiry for 10+ corporate headshots for Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Rob got me in contact with the national marketing director who was familiar and actually knows Peter. After a few, short, PHONE CONVERSATIONS, I booked the job that has been the most lucrative job I've landed to date and I have Peter and this phenomenal tool (PH2Pro) to thank!!! ...brush up on your schmoozing skills a little too, that can never hurt.
Check out some of the stuff we were cranking out in my Pricewaterhouse Coopers Gallery!!


Those are some killer shots dude. Awesome work! Love hearin the success stories

Adrian, well done! and thanks for the reminder that we have to keep more than our equipment in order.

Awesome work! And guess who they'll keep coming back to for their headshots?... you nailed it!!!!

Nicely done :) Fantastic work

Thanks Mikey, the big leagues is a whole 'nother ball game. Ask Victor, I could barely breathe and compose myself. The technician in you has to be spot on and thats when you shine!

Nancy, thank you! Often times we stress about getting the right equipment, lighting, gear, but really the only tool we have to sharpen is our technique and ability. All else will follow. If you really pay attention to big productions, a lot of gear is rented!! Lighting, lenses, all of it!! The photographer has lighting assistants, etc. and acts as a director to create a final product and, like I keep mentioning, deliver an experience. Just ask Peter how much gear he travels with. Makes me feel kind of silly when I catch myself thinking, "UUGGHH, if you had that 100 Macro, or that 1000 w/s pack." SHUT UP AND SHOOT

Thanks Iain and Nick, I've got my in, its up to me to nurture that relationship! See you in October buddy!

Inspiring, and thanks for the reminders. Most of this afternoon is set aside for working on my website and getting galleries the social media spiral up and running.

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