James’ ClipNTether Version 2 is out!

Hey Everyone,

If you are shooting groups, businesses, or larger events with plenty of folks you know how crazy it is keeping everyones name straight. I know there are different programs out there like Headshot tools, Spot my Photos, Got Photo, etc which have their ways of tracking and distributing images and these are great tools. But what if you dont need all that? Or dont want to pay all that?

So i created an easy html program to help you pre-create your group filenames, so you need only to copy the names and info you were sent by the customer and it generates buttons which when pressed will copy the filename to your clipboard automatically. You can include things like date, people’s particulars, and company name.

At the end of the shoot you can even export a list of who showed up and who didn’t. How cool is that!

So client comes up, you say hi, find their name, click them in and If you are using Capture One, you can simply start shooting and your files will auto rename for that person. If you are using evoto or another program, simple paste the filename in its field and away you go.

As always, special thanks to Peter for supporting these efforts to bring you all useful tools that can help you work smarter. 

You can grab a copy at https://bit.ly/clickntether 


ClipNTether V2 is out with these changes.

1. Company Field is now optional
2. Ability to set your own date Format
3. Ability to reset buttons back to blue if you clicked accidentally.




Ooh this is awesome! Thanks James!

I have a group shoot tomorrow and did an export from acuity and pasted the list in from excel (had to concatenate first and last name). This will work perfectly and for the $12 is a screaming good deal!

BTW, this worked flawlessly. Thank you very much!

I just uploaded an update to ClipNTether.

1. Company Field is now optional
2. Ability to set your own date Format
3. Ability to reset buttons back to blue if you clicked accidentally.


Love the update. Thank you very much!

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