10,000 Headshots has global eyeballs on it now PEOPLE!

Press release launched this morning and Yahoo Finance jumped on it!




That’s fantastic ! Is there any update for the out-of-US photographers ? Any way we can be part of it ? Thanks.

We are setting up a Facebook Group for you guys outside the US.

GREAT! Looking forward to giving back!

I'm so excited to be a part of the community that is making this happen and especially honored to be a photographer. I'm looking forward to the press release that we can use to promote the event locally. There are some local newspapers that I have worked with in the distant past that would no doubt cover this story here in Northern VA.

I agree, it is an honor and a way of putting much needed good out into the world. It's really exciting and humbling. I also have a couple of relationships with local journalists, so let us know when/what press releases you have for us and how you would like us to proceed. :)


Looking forward to shooting these. Only 3 weeks left until the day...

Great work everyone. I wish I could be more involved in this. Is there any way still?


But hey, there are numerous typos on https://headshotbooker.com.

Not a good look. If you'd like some help with copy editing, please reach out. Happy to pitch in.

Thanks to a story in Parade this past weekend about my Porchtraits project (which raised nearly $4k for homeless shelter), I just got a query from the Washington Post about it. I am going to try to pivot them over to focus on this project. Stay tuned...

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