Secured my first volume gig, HSC Education is where it's at!

The year is coming to an end and I have a nice story to share, a testimonial for the crew if you will. Back in January I was invited to check out HSC by Mike Schacht. Since then I've been knee deep learning and growing my headshot brand. Not just honing my technical skills but upping my business and marketing game as well.

A couple weeks ago I received an email from the brand manager of a bank in Lexington. They are in the process of overhauling their public image and are in dire need of updated headshots. The manager was familiar with my work from our creative scene here in Louisville and thus came across my headshots. She gave me the work scope and I began my homework. That night I dug through the archives on the HSC researching pricing structures and agreements. I also consulted with my mentor Ryan Parker as well as the Chicago boys Mike Schacht and Mike Sansone, each of them provided valuable feedback and suggestions for my quote.

This past Monday, I received the signed contract of a pretty sweet gig that I'm proud of. $4,525 ish (I say ish because the final invoice will be reflective of the total amount of employees photographed as I have a per employee rate implemented). So, two day volume job with upkeep on new employees every 6 months. I'm shooting about 25 employees per day with an hour of OT factored in along with breaks and lunch. Shabang!

Peter, thank you for the heart to hearts up in Chicago! This now has pushed me over my annual goal that I did not think I was going to meet back in October. Guess I'll be treating myself to a bottle of Woodford Double Oaked!

If anyone is hesitating on joining the crew, do your service a favor and pull the trigger. I would not be where I am now with out the 4 fellas I mentioned, along with the incredible support of the peers in this group. Bring on 2018!


I'm so glad to hear it and psyched to made the trip to the Headshot Intensive in Chicago. Got that sucker paid back and then some already!

Yessir!!! Probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. :-)

Great news Gary! Nice choice of bottle, too.

Thank you sir! And in deed it is brother.

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