Salina based Headshot photographer Janet Johnson

Janet Johnson

Salina, KS
J. Renee Images, LLC
About Janet

With a shared interest with my father in photography, developing film in our little home darkroom was like an experiment each time. Photography became the perfect balance of science and art to me and let me spend quality time with my dad.

Fast forward, I did the normal go to college, get my MBA, work in the corporate world and feed my creative juices on photography in my free time. One day while doing some windshield time on the way to my home town I realized there were two things I loved. Dancing for most of my life and photography. Dance body was long gone, so I focused on photography. Quit my job, opened a studio, and started doing what brought me joy.

I hope we can share the joy and do a few science experiments of our own. The great thing about today is the wonderful science of digital cameras brought us instant gratification so we can see the results of our little experiments quickly, instead of waiting until we filled that role of film and could develop it. Contact me for your headshots in studio, on location, or at your office.

While I love all genres of photography, I specialize in headshots, corporate events, and senior photography.