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Headshot Track
White background in Photoshop
How do you do it? Here is one my workflows. Color space is important, but we need to take extra care switching from one software to another (our camera is using software, so how many are considering that too?) 1. Use the color readout in Capture One to see if background is 255 white. If not, and I need to go to Photoshop, then I right click "edit with"...
Who's in the Crew? - Spotlight on Chris Marxen
NAME: Chris Marxen WEBSITE https://headshots-berlin.de/en/ CREW PROFILE https://headshotcrew.com/actorsheadshotsberlin INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/chris_marxen/ YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2zNxxa05dGk6O4M… FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/chrismarxenheadshotfotog… LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-marxen-22a8837b/...
Flex Dimmer not turning on
I just set up my new Flex Kit to use for the second time but one of the dimmers won’t power on at all. I’ve tried different power cords but it won’t turn on. Any tips? Contact at Westcott to help?