About Bob

I describe myself as a Fine Art Wildlife and Landscape Photographer. I enjoy wondering around the countryside looking for amazing animals and scenery to share with everyone. I also love photographing pets, my first feeble attempt at setting up a studio shoot was for a dog rescue I was involved with. We did a carnival where people could come with their dogs and play all sorts of games. I set up a photo booth where you could dress up your dogs and yourself and get your picture taken by me for a donation.

I have never really put my headshot up on any of the social media sites, I usually use one of my dog or wildlife photos. Every photo I have taken of myself looks like a mess, so I started researching headshots and found Peter's "It's all about the Jaw!" video and I was intrigued by what he had to say. So I am now thinking about adding headshots to my photographic toolbox, I mean I can take a pretty darn good headshot of a Bald Eagle, so maybe I can take a good one of a Bald Human.