Saskatoon based Headshot photographer Shelly Fox

Shelly Fox

Saskatoon, SK, CA
About Shelly

I am professional photographer currently working out of Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

Commercially I shoot mostly stock, events and head shots. I enjoy my commercial work but I must admit that that creating beautiful fine art photos gives me an amazing balance. I photograph a lot of nature, landscapes, and many things rural.

Nature has so many stories to tell and so many imperfect oddities. When I am out shooting I keep the following thought in mind: Life is not perfect. Why then would its reflection ever be? The answer I always come up with is that it would not be perfect. In addition to this philosophy I apply two other strategies to my work flow. The first is that I do the best that I can and the second is that I have fun.

I have been shooting for several years. It began as a healthy means of self expression as I healed from trauma. It brought great joy and beauty into some incredibly dark days. It gave me focus and a reason to continue putting one foot in front of the other. It always will. My heart and soul goes into every photo I take and in return they all seem to develop their own moods. One of my customers called them “stories waiting to be written.”

Photographs are a wonderful form of home décor. They are an easy and affordable way to achieve a specific theme or mood to a room. The photograph as art is so much more than that. My customers tend to be people who are very conscious of how their environment influences their well being. They tend to surround themselves with things that enhance their emotional health and speak to them on a personal level. As great as it is to see my work on display or winning awards and ribbons, the real thrill for me is seeing my customers connect on a deep emotional level with a piece.

I am so thrilled to be able to offer my work in a down loadable format. I am so happy that my work can enjoyed by everybody in a variety of usages at a variety of price points. Its immediate and you get to chose your own printer. I do advise that you use a pro printer. The instant prints have a machine that makes color choices for you. They tend to make mistakes. Best to have a person do the printing. Price wise the difference is nominal. Quality wise the difference is huge.

On that note I would like to a moment to thank you for dropping by an taking a look at my work. Please feel free to visit again as things are always changing. I am a customer focused artist so please feel free to contact me at anytime. Being human is about building relationships. We are all in this life together.

Take good care of each other.