About Preston

Photography and I found each other by accident. Moving from my hometown of Decatur to Chicago to pursue acting, I found myself slightly adrift. I wasn't able to balance work, my love for theater and my responsibilities to family effectively. Theater ended up taking a back seat, leaving me creatively constipated. On a lark, I shot half a dozen rolls of Fuji film through and old Canon A-1, and I was immediately aware of the potential that little contraption had for me both personally and professionally. I have spent the last eight years working to realize that potential.

As an actor (because, let's be honest, we never really stop performing do we?), I feel like I have a connection with my clients. I understand what it's like to audition. To prepare. To sit and be judged and scrutinized and analyzed just for the chance to go on stage and be judged and scrutinized and analyzed. But, oh the reward. The connection you have with your audience. The buzz you feel when a joke electrifies a crowd, or the gut churning realization you've missed a cue line, and you're not sure what line comes next.

The headshot is an actors business card. An introduction to the casting director or talent scout or potential agent. Something about never getting a second chance to make a first impression. Wasn't that a Head & Shoulders commercial? Thank you Head & Shoulders!

I know what an actor is going through. I know what they need. And I absolutely love helping them get it.
