About Marcos

Marcos Aspiazu was born in 1969 and raised in Ecuador. He has been in United States since 2001.
He is a freelance photographer located in Charlotte, North Carolina with a diverse portfolio which includes people, landscape, and fashion.
A graduate of the Penn Foster School, Marcos began shooting with a Nikon FM10 but is now committed to digital capture with his Nikon D700.
With eight years of avid photographing, Marcos has amassed quite an array of images.
He was The Gala Ribbon Winner Guttember, NJ and his work is being used on website such as SCHMAP.com, HassonLawOffices.com , About.com , CarmelCountryClub.org , WNC magazine, and ReesJonesInc.com
His approach is to always look for the right time to catch the best moments and transform pictures into stories.