James Dixson

Saint Louis, MO
James Dixson Photography
About James

I always thought that when I grew up I’d be a National Geographic Photographer. I guess I haven’t grown up yet because I have yet to get any work published in their magazine. I have travelled around the country, creating still and moving pictures for fun and for clients. I’m constantly working to improve my skills and images and endeavor to do something creative every day.
After a zombie apocalypse, I’d want my family, an iPod full of Led Zeppelin, a Leica M6 with a 35mm Summicron and an unlimited supply of TMax 400. I’m not a prepper, but I have a go-bag full of camping gear so that’s covered. Maybe a Nikon F3 with an 800mm lens for zombie portraits. I’d find abandoned high schools and figure out how to modify an enlarger to use a Petzl Headlamp to continue creating images.
My favorite thing to photograph is people. I look for images that tell a story. I’m proficient with landscapes and studio portraits but neither excites me like photograph of someone being themselves and doing what they love or experiencing something new.
One of my lifetime goals is to spend summers touring National Parks in a 4×4 Mercedes Sprinter Van with my family and to be published in National Geographic.