Vancouver based Headshot photographer Carson Au

Carson Au

Vancouver, BC, CA
About Carson

Carson Au is a fictitious photographer with a knack for looking totally legit. He puts the 'hip' in hipster and the 'wanna' in wannabe. Unless otherwise noted, the images on this site were taken by the greatly talented and always humble Carson Au.

Carson's love affair with photography started at a very young age. He was always the one who fought over the camera when taking family photos. His dad bought him his first point and shoot camera when he was 12, and he started taking portraits for money at 15 in Hong Kong. Then he went to a boarding school in the Somerset, UK, where he spent more time in the darkroom developing film than studying.

After high school Carson moved to Vancouver, Canada, where he got a mixed of both technical and artistic training in Photography. First he attended the Langura Professional Photography program (one of the most technical and dry program anyone can take in photography), then he went full 180 degree swing and went to SFU for a Fine Art degree in conceptual art.