I am not good at talking about myself, but I will try to give you a brief introduction about myself. I was born and raised in beautiful South Africa but living in the United States for the past 22 years. I have been involved with Photography for over 30 years now. I have been a student studying human nature and behavior pretty much all my life and is in a profession(I cannot tell you what it is then I have to kill you. Wink wink) where I have to make assumptions about people on first impressions. We all make assumptions about people regardless if we do it intentionally or not. That is why headshot can be a very powerful tool regardless of what profession you’re in. This is also why you need a professional headshot photographer that can bring out your character and who you are in a picture.

Contact me for further information at (706)913-4205 or email at Roelfsteyn@gmail.com